It's real simple, right? If you feel tired you don't want to do anything. Makes sense.
Less energy = Less of everything else you want out of life too.
So what's the solution for low energy?
Increase your energy of course!
But there are lots of ways to do that and not all of them are created equal.
Here's the skinny...
Gaining more energy and reducing your depletion is not easy. Yeah, that's a huge let down, right?!
I certainly know I wanted the process to increasing my energy to be easy, but it wasn't unfortunately.
I needed to learn helpful things in a few arenas like:
***Learning what was important to me
***Communication skills
***Time management skills
***Mindset shifts
***Making self care a priority
Who am I? I am Santee Blakey and I've been burned out and depleted and NOT doing good for me at all. Making self care a priority has helped me in so many ways, but most importantly it saved my life.
And those few arenas that need attention...I don't expect anyone to just magically know how to do these things. The truth is, it took me half a decade to gain these skills and implement them in a successful way that consistently kept my energy high.
My workbook Easy Self Care Tips To Increase Your Energy can help you to reach those skills sooner and put them into practice wayyyy more effectively than the zig zag, up and down journey I took.
The benefit here is obvious...more energy and a faster path toward it.
But the biggest benefits I've received since putting these tools in this workbook into practice; I feel joyful, alert, and content.
You know what the major factor in reaching that joy and contentment was?
Deciding that is was time, like now, to invest in me. Invest in myself in a way I never had before.
Are you ready to invest time, love - and yes energy - into yourself? If so, then download my workbook today!
How to use this workbook:
Answer the questions honestly, then use my 8 tips I so generously offer at the end of the workbook. Feel better! Be more energized!
It's that simple.
And that life changing!
Pick up my free workbook to increase your energy and avoid burnout today!
What are you going to do with all that extra energy???!!!!
Not feel overwhelmed by the number of responsibilities you have, because you have the capacity to meet those challenges and NOT feel exhausted while doing your thang!
But even more so, you have the mindset and tools to treat yourself...because believe it or not, you need energy to relax, you don't want to fall asleep while chilling out do you?!
Exhaustion isn't your friend, it's not a badge of honor, it just sops you dry, depletes you and has you wondering "When am I going to do something good for me?"
Don't wonder at that thought - take action - with loads of extra energy to finally be good to you!
Download Your Workbook Today!
About me...
I'm Santee Blakey, your friendly neighborhood Self Care Coach. I speak from experience, stress almost killed me, literally. Multiple hospitalizations and LOTS of down time to think about a different way of life. Let me help you avoid the worse effects of burn out and increase your energy to do the things You want to do and enjoy the life you were meant to have. I'm happy to help!
What do you get with proper self care?
*Higher Quality Energy
*Increase In Your Peace
*Greater Satisfaction and Joy
*Better Productivity
*Extraordinary Time Management Skills
When you take care of you, you thrive!